Self-Reliance Principle #1...

Self-Reliance Principle #1...

I've learned from the self-reliance materials of the Church that exercising faith in Jesus Christ is not only the first fundamental principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also the first principle for self-reliance, which is the capacity and means to provide for the temporal and spiritual needs of ourselves and our families.

Heavenly Father cares about our temporal well-being as much as we do. Doctrine and Covenants Section 29 says:

"For by the power of my Spirit acreated I them; yea, all things both bspiritual and temporal... Wherefore, verily I say unto you that all things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a alaw which was btemporal; neither any man, nor the children of men; neither Adam, your father, whom I created." 

Friendly Shop Owner in San José

San José, Costa Rica Temple

Heavenly Father is eager to help us with finding a job, growing our business, getting a better education, and everything else that is necessary for us to progress in this life! He also wants us to succeed, prosper and live "abundantly!" But, just like in everything else, we must seek the Spirit and trust in the Savior who paved the way for us in order to have true success. We have to act in faith, and the Lord will bless us. 

This principle has been true for me as I've desperately searched for jobs to survive through college, searched for the right major for me, and discovered opportunities to go abroad!


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