Principle #7: Be One; Work Together
I've learned a lot about teamwork while here in Costa Rica. Besides taking personal initiative to figure out the needs of this area related to Self-Reliance and contacting Church members to know how to help them, Natalie and I have practiced working as a companionship and as a team with our Area Self-Reliance Manager! (Sounds a lot like a mission, right?) Here are some examples of our teamwork: Natalie is excellent at making meals from whatever random ingredients we have at home; I'm great at eating them. ;) I teach English classes in the Seminary and Institute Building while Natalie works one-on-one with our manager to update records and make phone calls, especially to recently returned missionaries who we invite to our bi-monthly seminars. Natalie and I both like making friends everywhere we go! We have had multiple dinner invitations from kind people we meet on the bus. Rodrigo (our manager) is a fireball! He has this entire country to take care of as far ...