Principle #6: Solve Problems

Natalie and I have come across several dilemmas while in Costa Rica, like:

  • What's the deal with public transportation here?
  • How do we get anywhere when there are no exact addresses?
  • Where do we buy groceries?
  • How do we understand what people are saying with this "Tico" accent and slang?
  • How do we manage our time between working with Self-Reliance, keeping up with BYU classes online, and making friends?
  • How connect to phone and internet service?
  • How do we get to THE BEACH?? ;)
This steps in this self-reliance principle simplify any problem in life:
  1. Identify the REAL issue. (What is your problem?)
  2. Consider the options.
  3. ACT.  (Reevaluate and try again if necessary.)
We've had to do research as we've gotten accustomed to a new place, which includes asking a lot of people on the street where to go and getting recommendations from everyone we meet. Since I'm graduating from college, 

I'm also at a point in my life where I'm making bigger decisions, like where to live and work and whether to get a Master's. I'm grateful for agency and Heavenly Father's confidence in me to choose. I'm also grateful for the Spirit to guide me and resources that can help me identify the best options for my life, big or small.


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