Principle #9: Persevere

You might think living in Costa Rica is just like being on vacation all of the time, but there is a certain level of endurance I am learning at this point being here.

We go back and forth from our tiny apartment to the Institute Building most days, making phone calls, doing homework online, planning lessons and attending meetings. It sometimes gets monotonous. Sometimes the leaders and people we so desperately want to help with the Self-Reliance Initiative are not willing to take ownership of or use it.

I've had moments of homesickness, missing my family, friends, my car, my dogs... even Diet Dr. Pepper! Three months is a long time to be away!

So the topic we covered this week in my Self-Reliance group was appropriate for me: Persevere. We can persevere by doing four things:

1. Keep a positive attitude
2. Remember to work together
3. Replace fear with faith
4. Move forward with patience and courage

Natalie has really helped me through lately with her positive attitude and contagious laugh! (Thats #2 on the list.) I hope to continue to work on these so I can finish my internship strong!


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