Principle #7: Be One; Work Together

I've learned a lot about teamwork while here in Costa Rica. Besides taking personal initiative to figure out the needs of this area related to Self-Reliance and contacting Church members to know how to help them, Natalie and I have practiced working as a companionship and as a team with our Area Self-Reliance Manager! (Sounds a lot like a mission, right?)

Here are some examples of our teamwork:

  • Natalie is excellent at making meals from whatever random ingredients we have at home; I'm great at eating them. ;)
  • I teach English classes in the Seminary and Institute Building while Natalie works one-on-one with our manager to update records and make phone calls, especially to recently returned missionaries who we invite to our bi-monthly seminars.
  • Natalie and I both like making friends everywhere we go! We have had multiple dinner invitations from kind people we meet on the bus.
  • Rodrigo (our manager) is a fireball! He has this entire country to take care of as far as promoting the Self-Reliance Initiative, including the stake Self-Reliance groups and training leaders, as well as overseeing the Perpetual Education Fund and looking out for all of the recently returned missionaries and following up with them on their lives! He gives us little assignments to help out and we are happy to lift his burden a little.
Becoming one with other people as a part of becoming self-reliant sounds like an oxymoron, but I like to think of self-reliance more like self-empowerment. In the Gospel, self-reliance is not about isolating yourself or obtaining as much wealth or goodness just for own purposes. Instead, it's about taking action to become a better person and be able to contribute to the well-being of others. Heavenly Father put us on this earth with different strengths and weaknesses, and He expects us to share and to build each other up, so we can eventually return to him as well as enjoy the relationships we've developed. 



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