Principle #11: Seek Learning and Education

Principle #11: Seek Learning and Education

Life is a continual learning process! It's important for us to take advantage of all of the resources for learning that our Heavenly Father has given us. 

1. People around me, my leaders: I have learned so much from people here in Costa Rica. The "Ticos" have a unique culture and perspective, and I love talking with them. Our Self-Reliance manager is a very supportive, hardworking and inspirational man that I feel so blessed to have worked with. I have also learned from the examples of members of the Church who are so willing to make sacrifices to live the Gospel and fulfill their callings.

2. Books and media: The Self-Reliance manuals materials that the Church has created online and in print have been inspirational to me and helped us as we've supported and trained local leaders.

3. The scriptures, the Holy Ghost: Personal scripture study has been an important asset to me throughout my internship here. I've had days where I've felt uneasy, anxious or down and only prayers and studying the scriptures, words of the prophets, and my patriarchal blessing have brought me peace.

4. Classroom/ teachers: I have been an English teacher here, but I've also been taking classes online from BYU to finish up my degree! It's been a challenge sometime to focus on my schoolwork as well, but what I have learned has been very enriching for me. My professors have been very helpful corresponding with me online and helping me become a better writer and more appreciative of all the education there is to gain!

4. Life experiences: This has been a unique experience all around for me to live in Costa Rica! I have learned to be independent, but also to rely on the good people around me. I have learned about service and dedication, and made some goals for my own life.


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