Principle #2: Use Time Wisely

Dear family and anyone who is interested,

Here is #2 of the 12 foundational principles of self-reliance: Use Time Wisely. 

The Gospel and family are NUMBER ONE!

"For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God" - Book of Mormon, Alma 34:32

As we exercise faith to become self-reliant and reach our potential in this life, we must practice effectively using our time as a valuable resource that God has given us. My life has been what you'd call "busy," especially as a college student. Finding a balance with all of the responsibilities and goals I want to accomplish is challenging, as it is for everyone!

I learned from Elder Sitati of the Seventy in a training, as well from as the My Foundation manual by the LDS Self-Reliance Services, that prioritizing is key to using our time wisely in life. We can always do the most important things first, and eliminate unneeded stress in our lives. (I also loved that Elder Sitati taught us to always get enough sleep, that that is important! Phew!)

Read more in this excellent manual: My Foundation: Principles, Skills, and Habits. And teach it to your families! It will only bless your lives.

Rain and shine (always) ... here we go!

Follow these steps for using time wisely each day. (I am doing better with the prioritizing part, but I need to work on the last step):

1. Make a list of what you need to accomplish this day. 

2. Prioritize your list (Put a number 1 next to the thing you must do if it is the only thing you accomplish, number 2 for the next most important, etc.) Include people to serve in your list.

3. Pray and ask Heavenly Father's approval and help.

4. Go and DO.

5. Report to Heavenly Father on your failures and successes in nightly prayers.

My favorite Costa Rican dance partner - Eddy!
I've learned that I have to prioritize things in my day that help me enjoy life and stay emotionally stable too - like dancing!

Natalie and I have a whole new world of freedom here in Costa Rica. Many meaningful, important and fun things to do, but all the liberty to decide how to best use our time to serve others and enjoy the country at the same time. The self-reliance principles we learn and teach are helping me make the most of it! Read more here: My Foundation: Principles, Skills, and Habits

Gotta fit in some touristy time in the city after our morning workouts!


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